Abbreviation of input data
- z1
- projectile (ion) atomic number
- m1
- projectile atomic weight
- z2
- target atomic number
- m2
- target atomic weight
- c2
- target atomic fraction
- e0
- projectile energy (eV)
- alpha
- angle of incidence measured from the surface normal
- nh
- number of history (= number of projectiles)
- sbe
- surface binding energy (eV) for target atoms
- rho
- atomic target density (g/cm3)
- ef
- cutoff energy (eV), to stop calculation
- esb
- projectile binding energy (eV)
- ca
- correction factor to the screening length in the potential
- kk0
- number of ring cylinders for weak simultaneous collisions (projectile)
- kk0r
- number of ring cylinders for weak simultaneous collisions (recoils)
- kdee1
- inelastic loss model for projectile (1: LS, 2: OR, 3: (LS+OR)/2, 4: AZ
for H, 5: Z for He)
- kdee2
- inelastic loss model for target atoms (1: LS, 2: OR, 3: (LS+OR)/2)
- ipot
- interaction potential for projectiles (1: KrC, 2: Moliere, 3: ZBL, 4: Si
- ipotr
- interaction potential for target atoms (1: KrC, 2: Moliere, 3: ZBL, 4:
Si potential)
- program
- this gives the version used for the calculation
- ne
- number of projectile energies in the table
- na
- number of incident angles in the table
- dx
- depth interval (10-10 m)